Blessed is the man (5.0, tune of 'Cherub.Hymn' 5, Hm, 3-5vx, any choir) - RU
Geistliche Musik/Orthodox • 2016 • Texter: old sacred text • Alternativer Titel: песнопение кафисмы, первая кафизма, 1 Kathisma, 1 Psalm, 1 псалом
Blessed is the man (5.0, tune of 'Cherub.Hymn' 5, Hm, 3-5vx, any choir) - RU
Instrumentierung |
Gemischter Chor, Frauenchor, Männerchor, Kinderchor |
Partitur für |
Trio, Quartett, Quintett, Chor |
Art der Partitur |
Singpartitur |
Tonart |
h-Moll |
Verleger |
Rada Po |
Sprache |
Russisch, Kirchenslawisch |
Schwierigkeitsgrad |
Mittel |
Prayer song of the Orthodox vespers.
The score-transformer,
for 3-5 voices of the homogeneous choir
(three main ones and supplementing pair).
Russian transliteration of Church-Slavic text.
Written for Mefody`s Choir
(Serbian-Bulgarian archive
of the sketches'n'drafts,
the tune of 'Cherubic Hymn 5').
numbers for the searching frame @ musicaneo.com
34/33 psalm (Byzantine mel., Dm, 2-4vx, any choir) - RU:
103 (104) Psalm of Creation (mel.of Valaam, pdb 'Angel Vopijashe', C dur, 2-5vx, any choir) - RU:
Psalm 50 (51), Valaam tune, polyphonic version (Hm, homog.ch., 3-4vx) - RU:
'Cherubic Hymn' 5.0 (+Litany, 3-5vx, Hm, homog.ch.) - RU: