Vier Kwatrijnen op eigen tekst, voor hoge stem en piano
Klassische Musik/Zeitgenössisch • 2005 • Texter: Hans Bakker • Alternativer Titel: Four Quatrains on own text, for soprano and piano
Vier Kwatrijnen op eigen tekst, voor hoge stem en piano
Instrumentierung |
Klavier, Sopran |
Partitur für |
Solo, Klavierbegleitung |
Art der Partitur |
Klavierauszug mit Singstimmen |
Tonart |
Polytonalität |
Satz, Nr. |
1 bis 4 von 4 |
Verleger |
Hans Bakker |
Sprache |
Niederländisch |
Schwierigkeitsgrad |
Mittel |
Länge |
10'55 |
Dinant Krouwel described the Four Kwatrijnen for high voice (cis1-a2) in the Liedvriend (Song Friend), 2005 No. 3 as follows: "Two songs are philosophical in nature and two cabaretesk. The first quatrain is a witty drinking song. Despite or perhaps due to the brevity and humor a large cosmos is put down, where something seemingly insignificant or even nothing is decisive. The music has a tonal character. The attractive piano parts are reminiscent of Poulenc.