Three Trios for organ
Klassische Musik/Zeitgenössisch • 2021
Nr.1 Präludium
Titel nach Uploader: Three Trios for organ, No.1 Prelude
Instrumentierung |
Orgel |
Partitur für |
Solo |
Art der Partitur |
Für einen Interpreten |
Tonart |
F-Dur |
Satz, Nr. |
1 bis 1 von 1 |
Verleger |
Hans Bakker |
Schwierigkeitsgrad |
Mittel |
Länge |
1'50 |
No.1 Prelude is characterized by an almost continuous eight movement in the first voice, continuous fourths in the second voice, and longer notes in the pedal. When registering, I thought of a simple eloquence, but there are many possibilities here.
No.2 Choralprelude: Ich Ruf Zu Dir
Titel nach Uploader: Three Trios for organ, No.2 Choralprelude: Ich Ruf Zu Dir
Instrumentierung |
Orgel |
Partitur für |
Solo |
Art der Partitur |
Für einen Interpreten |
Tonart |
h-Moll |
Satz, Nr. |
1 bis 1 von 1 |
Verleger |
Hans Bakker |
Schwierigkeitsgrad |
Fortgeschritten |
Länge |
1'52 |
Genre |
Klassische Musik/Chormusik |
J.S.Bach's "Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ" (BWV 639) is one of my favorite chorale pre-ludes, as is the arrangement for piano by F. Busoni. In No.2, I put the chorale melody in the pedal, just like J.P. Sweelinck in his 2nd variation on "Ich ruf zu dir". Opposite the chorale-like counter voice in trills on one manual is a (simplified) counter voice based on the gamelan technique on the other manual, as I used at the end of movement 2 of my violin concerto KAIROS.
No.3 Meditation
Titel nach Uploader: Three Trios for organ, No.3 Meditation
Instrumentierung |
Orgel |
Partitur für |
Solo |
Art der Partitur |
Für einen Interpreten |
Tonart |
Polytonalität |
Satz, Nr. |
1 bis 1 von 1 |
Verleger |
Hans Bakker |
Schwierigkeitsgrad |
Mittel |
Länge |
3'37 |
The title of Trio no.3 MEDITATION could also have been PRAYER or PRIÈRE. It is a kind of musical reflection on the preceding Trio No.2 Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ - who was the greatest man of love ever, and the living self-image of the Father. The piece is very contrapuntal, and partly because of that has a somewhat archaic atmosphere. - Free to download.