Titel nach Uploader: A Trip Around The World
Instrumentierung |
Flöte, Klarinette, Saxophon, Baritonhorn, Horn, Posaune, Trompete, Tuba, Bassklarinette, Altsaxophon, Tenorsaxophon, Baritonsaxophon, Basstuba |
Partitur für |
Blasorchester |
Art der Partitur |
Partitur |
Tonart |
B-Dur |
Verleger |
Gary Edwards |
Schwierigkeitsgrad |
Mittel |
Länge |
6'44 |
Genre |
Klassische Musik |
Program Notes A Trip Around The World for band Level 2-3.
By Gary A. Edwards
A Trip Around the World was written for High School Band Level 2-3 at the request of Jim Phillips, Director of the Coeur d’Alene High School Wind Ensemble, in November of 2011. The piece in suite form is a medley of samples of music styles heard if a person were circumnavigating the globe starting in Idaho and continuing eastward through Europe, Asia and The Pacific Islands.
The Caribbean - The first stop is The Caribbean where we hear the rhythms of a reggae band playing with marimbas and island drums.
Switzerland – We next head to Switzerland where we hear a fast waltz melody being played with grace notes in the woodwinds evoking the sounds of yodelers carrying from mountaintop to mountaintop
Poland – Next we slow down as we land in Poland, where the music evokes the rich and mysterious harmonies of a country’s vast musical heritage epitomized by the great Chopin.
Spain – Ah, Spain! A land of romance once ruled by the Arabs for 800 years, the Arabian influence vastly reflected in the music of Spain, the music with its Latin drum section reminding us of its influence on all of Latin America.
Russia – Dark melodies in a minor key evoke a vision of a violent past and a hardworking suffering people living a land where the very elements make it difficult to survive.
The Mid-East – From Russia we head south to the Persian and Biblical lands. We might even hear a melody reminiscent of a style of dancing long misunderstood.
China – Hear we are in Asia and there are two flautists playing a beautiful melody with a five note scale harmonies accompanied by a simple rhythm section of finger cymbals and a triangle. The melody is soft and muted, like the gentle people but watch out for the sleeping dragon. He may awake at any time.
Polynesia Sorry we skipped Africa but we had to hurry on our way to the Pacific Islands where we engaged in Scuba Diving and heard a colony of sea creatures frolicking in a coral reef. Actually, we hear a marimba solo, joined by the flutes in the second phrase and finally by the rest of the band, including a massive percussion section. There are enough syncopated rhythms to keep any good percussion section happy.
Canada – Finally we end up in the last leg of our trip, North of the Border in Canada. So often we forget about our good neighbors in Canada, but how lucky we are to have such faithful friends. And this melody evokes a folk song, happy, exuberant and positive, just like our Northern friends, eh!
Copyright © 2011 by Gary A. Edwards. All rights reserved.
Edwards Music Publishing dot Com. (ASCAP)
PO Box 3528 Coeur d’Alene ID 83816-2520
(208) 699-0848 gedward@roadrunner.com www.EdwardsMusicSite.com
Titel nach Uploader: A Trip Around the World parts
Instrumentierung |
Flöte, Klarinette, Saxophon, Fagott, Oboe, Euphonium, Horn, Posaune, Trompete, Tuba, Tenorsaxophon, Schlaginstrumente |
Partitur für |
Bläserensemble |
Art der Partitur |
Stimmen |
Tonart |
B-Dur |
Verleger |
Gary Edwards |
Schwierigkeitsgrad |
Mittel |
Länge |
7'0 |
Jahr der Komposition |
2012 |
Genre |
Klassische Musik |
This is the complete parts set for a piece written by Gary A. Edwards entitled A Trip Around the World for Jr. High and High School band featuring different styles of music from around the world including China, Russia, the mid-east, Canada, etc. These parts are the individual parts that accompany the score to A Trip Around the World sold separately.