Giuseppe Martucci
Romântico — Início do século 20
Scherzino, Op.29
Scherzo, Op.23
Selected Dances from Operas Various ComposersWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Georg Friedrich Händel
Seven Pieces for Piano, Op.43
Six Piece for Piano, Op.44
Six Pieces for Piano, Op.38
Sixteen Minuets for PianoWolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Sonata facile, Op.41
Sonata for Piano, Op.34
Sonata for Violin and Piano, Op.22
Studio di concerto (Concert Etude), Op.9
Studio (Etude), Op.47
Tamerlano, HWV 18Georg Friedrich Händel
Tarantella, Op.6
Tempo di mazurka, Op.11
Three Pieces for Piano, Op.33
Three Pieces for Piano, Op.49
Three Romances, Op.27
Three Scherzos, Op.53
Three Waltzes, Op.46
Tre notturnini, Op.42
Twelve Concerti Grossi, Op.6
Two Fugues, Op.28
Two Nocturnes, Op.70
Two Pieces for Piano, Op.77
Two Romance for Cello and Piano, Op.72