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There was Stories

Clássico/Sinfonia musical • 2012 • Lírico: Edward Lear

para orquestra sinfonica

Título por Autor: There was Stories

30.00 USD

ler a lisença
20.00 USD

vendedor Sonja Grossner
ZIP, 20.48 Mb ID: SM-000172438 data do carregamento: 15 out 2012
Flauta, Flauta piccolo, Clarinete, Oboé, Trompa francesa, Violino, Viola, Violoncelo, Contrabaixo, Timbales, Xilofone, Soprano, Baixo
Composição para
Orquestra Sinfônica
Tipo de composição
Partitura completa, Partes, Parte de solo
Sonja Grossner
For two singers and orchestra .
Lyrics by Edward Lear
I had the urge to write something comical, something to laugh about, something happy and jolly.
For this I chose five limericks from 'A book of Nonsense'. These five '; There was stories are about three men and two women, and all have something to do with birds. When I started to write these duets I thought nothing more than to write something
humoresque. But this changed after occupying myself with these poems.
I suddenly had the feeling and vision that after writing the last note to the last song 'There was an young lady whose bonnet' that there is more than meets the eye to
these simple nonsense poems. They have a deeper meaning, especially this last song, is more of a serious nature and has a slight melancholic character. This work is about five people who are different, eccentric, creative and unusual. It is about people that are not always understood and accepted. They are made fun off and laughed at. It is like a clown in costume, hiding his more serious side behind a mask and exaggerating things. The man with the over large beard, the man with the too long nose could resemble people that look different but are happy in themselves and do not bother too much what others think.
The old man of Dunbree is an eccentric person who is convinced he can tame his owls and the lady of France is obsessed with her ducks. The young lady who loves
to wear an oversized bonnet does not care what others think. Perhaps there is a lesson to learn here. Lets take each other for what we are and accept each other's looks and talents.
With the help of the short overture and four Interludes, the two singers speaking the extra verses from Edward Lear's self portrait, including any comments, short
discussions and acting, a whole story can be created.
I have left the actual discussions and acting to the individual performers.
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For two singers and piano

Título por Autor: There was' Stories, for two singers & piano

15.00 USD

ler a lisença
10.00 USD

vendedor Sonja Grossner
PDF, 1.48 Mb ID: SM-000182344 data do carregamento: 05 abr 2013
Piano, Soprano, Baixo
Composição para
Solista, Piano de Acompanhamento
Tipo de composição
Partitura piano-vocal
Sonja Grossner
Ano de composição
Lyrics by Edward Lear, ( sound sample rom orchestra version)
I had the urge to write something comical, something to laugh about, something happy and jolly.
For this I chose five limericks from 'A book of Nonsense'. These five '; There was stories are about three men and two women, and all have something to do with birds. When I started to write these duets I
thought nothing more than to write something humoresque. But this changed after occupying myself with these poems.
I suddenly had the feeling and vision that after writing the last note to the last song 'There was an young
lady whose bonnet' that there is more than meets the eye to these simple nonsense poems. They have a
deeper meaning, especially this last song, is more of a serious nature and has a slight melancholic character. This work is about five people who are different, eccentric, creative and unusual. It is about
people that are not always understood and accepted. They are made fun off and laughed at. It is like a
clown in costume, hiding his more serious side behind a mask and exaggerating things. The man with the
over large beard, the man with the too long nose could resemble people that look different but are happy
in themselves and do not bother too much what others think.
The old man of Dunbree is an eccentric person who is convinced he can tame his owls and the lady of
France is obsessed with her ducks. The young lady who loves to wear an oversized bonnet does not care
what others think. Perhaps there is a lesson to learn here. Lets take each other for what we are and accept
each other's looks and talents.
The two singers could combine these five songs with some comments, short discussions and acting between each song and so create a whole story. I have left the actual discussions and acting to the individual performers.
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For string quartet and two singers

Título por Autor: There was Stories, for string quartet & 2 singers

25.00 USD

ler a lisença
15.00 USD

vendedor Sonja Grossner
ZIP, 1.54 Mb ID: SM-000199884 data do carregamento: 06 mar 2014
Violino, Viola, Violoncelo, Soprano, Tenor
Composição para
Solista, Quarteto
Tipo de composição
Partitura completa, Partes
Sonja Grossner
'There was' Stories.
For two singers and string quartet.
Lyrics by Edward Lear
I had the urge to write something comical, something to laugh about, something happy
and jolly.
For this I chose five limericks from 'A book of Nonsense'. These five '; There was
stories are about three men and two women, and all have something to do with birds.
When I started to write these duets I thought nothing more than to write something
humoresque. But this changed after occupying myself with these poems.
I suddenly had the feeling and vision that after writing the last note to the last song
'There was an young lady whose bonnet' that there is more than meets the eye to these
simple nonsense poems. They have a deeper meaning, especially this last song, is more
of a serious nature and has a slight melancholic character. This work is about five
people who are different, eccentric, creative and unusual. It is about people that are not
always understood and accepted. They are made fun off and laughed at. It is like a
clown in costume, hiding his more serious side behind a mask and exaggerating things.
The man with the over large beard, the man with the too long nose could resemble
people that look different but are happy in themselves and do not bother too much
what others think.
The old man of Dunbree is an eccentric person who is convinced he can tame his owls
and the lady of France is obsessed with her ducks. The young lady who loves to wear
an oversized bonnet does not care what others think. Perhaps there is a lesson to learn
here. Lets take each other for what we are and accept each other's looks and talents.
With the help of the short overture and four Interludes, the two singers speaking the
extra verses from Edward Lear's self portrait, including any comments, short
discussions and acting, a whole story can be created.
I have left the actual discussions and acting to the individual performers.
How pleasant to know Mr Lear!
Who has written such volumes of stuff!
Some think him ill-tempered and queer,
But a few think him pleasant enough.
His mind is concrete and fastidious,
His nose is remarkably big;
His visage is more or less hideous,
His beard it resembles a wig.
He has ears, and two eyes, and ten fingers,
Leastways if you reckon two thumbs;
Long ago he was one of the singers,
But now he is one of the dumbs.
He sits in a beautiful parlour,
With hundreds of books on the wall;
He drinks a great deal of Marsala,
But never gets tipsy at all.
He has many friends, laymen and clerical;
Old Foss is the name of his cat;
His body is perfectly spherical,
He weareth a runcible hat.
When he walks in a waterproof white,
The children run after him so!
Calling out, ' He's come out in his night-
Gown, that crazy old Englishman, oh!'
He weeps by the side of the ocean,
He weeps on the top of the hill;
He purchases pancakes and lotion,
And chocolate shrimps from the mill.
He reads but cannot speak Spanish,
He cannot abide ginger-beer;
Ere the days of his pilgrimage vanish,
How pleasant to know Mr Lear.
Edward Lear
There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, ' It's just as I feared!-
Two Owls and a Hen, four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!'
There was an old man of Dumbree,
Who taught little owls to drink tea;
For he said, 'To eat mice, is not proper or nice'
That amiable man of Dumbree.
There was an old lady of France,
Who taught little ducklings to dance;
When she said, 'Tick-a-tack!'-They only said
Which grieved that old lady of France.
There was an Old Man, on whose nose,
Most birds of the air could repose;
But they all flew away, at the closing of day,
Which relieved that Old Man and his nose.
There was a Young Lady whose bonnet,
Came untied when the birds sate upon it;
But she said, 'I don't care! all the birds in the air
Are welcome to sit on my bonnet!'
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Rearranged for high tenor, soprano and piano

Título por Autor: There was stories. Rearranged for high tenor, soprano and piano

10.00 USD

ler a lisença
10.00 USD

vendedor Sonja Grossner
PDF, 3.86 Mb ID: SM-000268643 data do carregamento: 15 jan 2017
Piano, Soprano, Tenor
Composição para
Piano de Acompanhamento, Dueto
Tipo de composição
Partitura piano-vocal
1 para 5 de 5
Sonja Grossner
Ano de composição
'There was' Stories. For two singers and piano. (sound sample from orchestra version)
Lyrics by Edward Lear
I had the urge to write something comical, something to laugh about, something happy and jolly. For this I chose five limericks from 'A book of Nonsense'. These five '; There was stories are about three men and two women, and all have something to do with birds. When I started to write these duets I thought nothing more than to write something humoresque. But this changed after occupying myself with these poems. I suddenly had the feeling and vision that after writing the last note to the last song 'There was an young lady whose bonnet' that there is more than meets the eye to these simple nonsense poems. They have a deeper meaning, especially this last song, is more of a serious nature and has a slight melancholic character. This work is about five people who are different, eccentric, creative and unusual. It is about people that are not always understood and accepted. They are made fun off and laughed at. It is like a clown in costume, hiding his more serious side behind a mask and exaggerating things. The man with the over large beard, the man with the too long nose could resemble people that look different but are happy in themselves and do not bother too much what others think. The old man of Dunbree is an eccentric person who is convinced he can tame his owls and the lady of France is obsessed with her ducks. The young lady who loves to wear an oversized bonnet does not care what others think. Perhaps there is a lesson to learn here. Lets take each other for what we are and accept each other's looks and talents. The two singers could combine these five songs with some comments, short discussions and acting between each song and so create a whole story. I have left the actual discussions and acting to the individual performers.
There was an Old Man with a beard, Who said, ' It's just as I feared!Two Owls and a Hen, four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my beard!'
There was an old man of Dumbree, Who taught little owls to drink tea; For he said, 'To eat mice, is not proper or nice' That amiable man of Dumbree.
There was an old lady of France, Who taught little ducklings to dance; When she said, 'Tick-a-tack!'-They only said Quack!' Which grieved that old lady of France.
There was an Old Man, on whose nose, Most birds of the air could repose; But they all flew away, at the closing of day, Which relieved that Old Man and his nose.
There was a Young Lady whose bonnet, Came untied when the birds sate upon it; But she said, 'I don't care! all the birds in the air Are welcome to sit on my bonnet!'
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For two singers and piano

Título por Autor: There was Stories for two singers and piano

10.00 USD

ler a lisença
5.00 USD

vendedor Sonja Grossner
ZIP, 905.4 Kb ID: SM-000269460 data do carregamento: 28 jan 2017
Piano, Voz
Composição para
Piano de Acompanhamento, Dueto
Tipo de composição
Partitura piano-vocal
1 para 1 de 1
Sonja Grossner
Ano de composição
‘There was’ Stories.
For two singers and piano.

Lyrics by Edward Lear

I had the urge to write something comical, something to laugh about, something happy and jolly.
For this I chose five limericks from ‘A book of Nonsense’. These five ‘; There was stories are about three men and two women, and all have something to do with birds. When I started to write these duets I thought nothing more than to write something humoresque. But this changed after occupying myself with these poems.
I suddenly had the feeling and vision that after writing the last note to the last song ’There was an young lady whose bonnet’ that there is more than meets the eye to these simple nonsense poems. They have a deeper meaning, especially this last song, is more of a serious nature and has a slight melancholic character. This work is about five people who are different, eccentric, creative and unusual. It is about people that are not always understood and accepted. They are made fun off and laughed at. It is like a clown in costume, hiding his more serious side behind a mask and exaggerating things. The man with the over large beard, the man with the too long nose could resemble people that look different but are happy in themselves and do not bother too much what others think.
The old man of Dunbree is an eccentric person who is convinced he can tame his owls and the lady of France is obsessed with her ducks. The young lady who loves to wear an oversized bonnet does not care what others think. Perhaps there is a lesson to learn here. Lets take each other for what we are and accept each other’s looks and talents.
The two singers could combine these five songs with some comments, short discussions and acting between each song and so create a whole story. I have left the actual discussions and acting to the individual performers.

There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, ‘ It’s just as I feared!-
Two Owls and a Hen, four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!’

There was an old man of Dumbree,
Who taught little owls to drink tea;
For he said, ‘To eat mice, is not proper or nice’
That amiable man of Dumbree.

There was an old lady of France,
Who taught little ducklings to dance;
When she said, ‘Tick-a-tack!’-They only said Quack!’
Which grieved that old lady of France.

There was an Old Man, on whose nose,
Most birds of the air could repose;
But they all flew away, at the closing of day,
Which relieved that Old Man and his nose.

There was a Young Lady whose bonnet,
Came untied when the birds sate upon it;
But she said, ‘I don’t care! all the birds in the air
Are welcome to sit on my bonnet!’
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0:00 There was Stories for two singers and piano