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The Gate of Paradise

Clássico/Música Vocal • 2007 • Lírico: Dante • Titulo arternativo: The Gate of Heaven

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Título por Autor: The Gate of Paradise for orchestra

10.00 USD

vendedor David W Solomons
PDF, 413.5 Kb ID: SM-000292857 data do carregamento: 27 jul 2017
Flauta, Clarinete, Fagote, Oboé, Violino, Viola, Violoncelo, Contrabaixo, Timbales
Composição para
Orquestra de Câmara
Tipo de composição
Partitura completa, Partes
David W Solomons
David W Solomons
Ano de composição
My arrangement of Joseph Dillon Ford's setting of the section from Dante's "Divine Comedy" describing the Gate of Paradise
The performance here is by the Octava Chamber Orchestra

The original choral version can be heard at

Dante's words (with English translation) are as follows:

O sanguis meus,
O blood of mine,

O superinfusa gratia Dei,
O grace of God poured into you,

sicut tibi, cui bis unquam coeli ianua reclusa,
to whom was Heaven’s Gate ever opened twice, as to you?

Così quel lume: ond’io m’attesi a lui;
So the light spoke, at which I directed my attention to him.

poscia rivolsi a la mia donna il viso,
Then I turned my face towards my Lady,

e quinci e quindi stupefatto fui;
and on this side and on that was stunned,

ché dentro a li occhi suoi ardeva un riso tal
since such a smile was blazing in her eyes,

ch’io pensai co’ miei toccar lo fondo
I thought with mine I had reached the end,

de la mia gloria e del mio paradiso.
of my grace, and my Paradise.
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