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Inspire Infinite Potential

Clássico/Música de Câmara • 2019

Conductor score

Título por Autor: Inspire Infinite Potential - Conductor Score, Op.1

12.00 USD

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30.00 USD

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50.00 USD

vendedor Stanley P. Hung
PDF, 2.39 Mb ID: SM-000373861 data do carregamento: 23 out 2019
Flauta, Flauta piccolo, Clarinete, Fagote, Oboé, Corne Inglês, Trombone tenor, Eufónio, Trompa francesa, Trombeta, Tuba, Contrabaixo, Tarola, Glockenspiel, Triângulo, Timbales, Címbalos, Bombo, Clarinete baixo, Saxophone alto, Saxofone Tenor, Marretas, Saxofone Barítono, Mark tree
Composição para
Concert band
Tipo de composição
Partitura completa
Stanley P. Hung
“Inspire Infinite Potential” is the first original composition of Stanley P. Hung. It was composed for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Concert Band 70th Anniversary in 2019. MIT Concert Band was founded by students in fall of 1948 and directed for 51 years by conductor John D. Corley. He directed the band from its inception in 1948 until his retirement last spring in 1999. Dr. Thomas E. Reynolds continued the job of music education at MITCB up to now about 20 years. He is the current music director and conducting the band together with co-conductor Collin Myers. (Reference:

Mr. Hung had participated in a few public performances of MIT Concert Band and played trombone. His footprints not only appeared at MIT in Cambridge, but also in New York (2013), Maine (2014), and Philadelphia (2019) during spring tours. “To come up with an idea by our originality then take it into practice” was the spirit inspired by such ingenuity group. Therefore, Stanley tried to add this spirit into the music work “Inspire Infinite Potential” at creation stage. Its U.S. premiere was conducted by Dr. Reynolds and performed by the MIT Concert Band in campus (2019.12.10). The second edition is mostly based on the previous version. Some of notes, chords, articulations, and rhythms have been updated.

ISMN : 979-0-800170-03-4
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Full set

Título por Autor: Inspire Infinite Potential - Full Set, Op.1

75.00 USD

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30.00 USD

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50.00 USD

vendedor Stanley P. Hung
PDF, 4.26 Mb ID: SM-000375235 data do carregamento: 15 nov 2019
Flauta, Flauta piccolo, Clarinete, Fagote, Oboé, Corne Inglês, Trombone tenor, Eufónio, Trompa francesa, Trombeta, Tuba, Contrabaixo, Tarola, Glockenspiel, Triângulo, Timbales, Címbalos, Bombo, Clarinete baixo, Saxophone alto, Saxofone Tenor, Marretas, Saxofone Barítono, Mark tree
Composição para
Concert band
Tipo de composição
Partitura completa, Partes
Stanley P. Hung
“Inspire Infinite Potential” is the first original composition of Stanley P. Hung. It was composed for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Concert Band 70th Anniversary in 2019. MIT Concert Band was founded by students in fall of 1948 and directed for 51 years by conductor John D. Corley. He directed the band from its inception in 1948 until his retirement last spring in 1999. Dr. Thomas E. Reynolds continued the job of music education at MITCB up to now about 20 years. He is the current music director and conducting the band together with co-conductor Collin Myers. (Reference:

Mr. Hung had participated in a few public performances of MIT Concert Band and played trombone. His footprints not only appeared at MIT in Cambridge, but also in New York (2013), Maine (2014), and Philadelphia (2019) during spring tours. “To come up with an idea by our originality then take it into practice” was the spirit inspired by such ingenuity group. Therefore, Stanley tried to add this spirit into the music work “Inspire Infinite Potential” at creation stage. Its U.S. premiere was conducted by Dr. Reynolds and performed by the MIT Concert Band in campus (2019.12.10). The second edition is mostly based on the previous version. Some of notes, chords, articulations, and rhythms have been updated.

ISMN : 979-0-800170-03-4
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Set of parts

Título por Autor: Inspire Infinite Potential - Set of Parts, Op.1

65.00 USD

ler a lisença
30.00 USD

ler a lisença
50.00 USD

vendedor Stanley P. Hung
PDF, 2.97 Mb ID: SM-000375236 data do carregamento: 15 nov 2019
Flauta, Flauta piccolo, Clarinete, Fagote, Oboé, Corne Inglês, Trombone tenor, Eufónio, Trompa francesa, Trombeta, Tuba, Contrabaixo, Tarola, Glockenspiel, Triângulo, Timbales, Címbalos, Bombo, Clarinete baixo, Saxophone alto, Saxofone Tenor, Marretas, Saxofone Barítono, Mark tree
Composição para
Concert band
Tipo de composição
Stanley P. Hung
“Inspire Infinite Potential” is the first original composition of Stanley P. Hung. It was composed for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Concert Band 70th Anniversary in 2019. MIT Concert Band was founded by students in fall of 1948 and directed for 51 years by conductor John D. Corley. He directed the band from its inception in 1948 until his retirement last spring in 1999. Dr. Thomas E. Reynolds continued the job of music education at MITCB up to now about 20 years. He is the current music director and conducting the band together with co-conductor Collin Myers. (Reference:

Mr. Hung had participated in a few public performances of MIT Concert Band and played trombone. His footprints not only appeared at MIT in Cambridge, but also in New York (2013), Maine (2014), and Philadelphia (2019) during spring tours. “To come up with an idea by our originality then take it into practice” was the spirit inspired by such ingenuity group. Therefore, Stanley tried to add this spirit into the music work “Inspire Infinite Potential” at creation stage. Its U.S. premiere was conducted by Dr. Reynolds and performed by the MIT Concert Band in campus (2019.12.10). The second edition is mostly based on the previous version. Some of notes, chords, articulations, and rhythms have been updated.

ISMN : 979-0-800170-03-4
  • comentários
0:00 Inspire Infinite Potential - Set of Parts