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Humoresque, Op.35

Clássico/Contemporâneo • 2013 • Titulo arternativo: Юмореска для ксилофона

For xylophone and wind band

Título por Autor: Humoresque for xylophone and wind band, Op.35

ler a lisença
24.95 USD

PDF, 4.93 Mb ID: SM-000380799 data do carregamento: 08 fev 2020
Flauta, Clarinete, Barítono, Corneta, Trompa francesa, Trombone, Trombeta, Tuba, Guitarra elétrica, Baixo, Xilofone, Címbalos, Chifre do Tenor, Saxophone alto, Saxofone Tenor, Bateria
Composição para
Conjunto de Sopro
Tipo de composição
Partitura completa, Partes
Fá (F) maior
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Vyacheslav Kruglik
Vyacheslav Kruglik
How are we joking? We tell each other jokes, some funny stories. And as the joke of the composers? Of course, they also know how to tell jokes. But they also do it with music. They write humorous pieces. These are small, fun, entertaining plays. This genre was addressed by various composers at the time. You've probably heard the "joke" by Bach, humoresque by Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Shchedrin.
But the composer Vyacheslav Kruglik wrote a humoresque for xylophone and wind band. He decided that this instrument, with its funny "clacking" wooden sound, was very well suited for the role of a cheerful storyteller. And the wind band will help the xylophone. This is a modern, very powerful orchestra, with a drum set and an electric guitar. He is subject to almost any music. And in this play, he will accompany the xylophone, sometimes, however, inserting his "weighty" statements.
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For xylophone and folk orchestra

Título por Autor: Humoresque for xylophone and folk orchestra, Op.35 bis

ler a lisença
24.95 USD

PDF, 5.07 Mb ID: SM-000380801 data do carregamento: 08 fev 2020
Bayan, Flauta, Clarinete, Oboé, Guitarra elétrica, Baixo, Balalaica, Domra, Xilofone, Címbalos, Gusli, Bateria
Composição para
Orquestra de folk russo
Tipo de composição
Partitura completa, Partes
Fá (F) maior
1 para 1 de 1
Vyacheslav Kruglik
Vyacheslav Kruglik
How are we joking? We tell each other jokes, some funny stories. And as the joke of the composers? Of course, they also know how to tell jokes. But they also do it with music. They write humorous pieces. These are small, fun, entertaining plays. This genre was addressed by various composers at the time. You've probably heard the "joke" by Bach, humoresque by Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Shchedrin.
But the composer Vyacheslav Kruglik wrote a humoresque for xylophone and folk orchestra. He decided that this instrument, with its funny "clacking" wooden sound, was very well suited for the role of a cheerful storyteller. And the folk orchestra will help the xylophone. This is a modern, very powerful orchestra, with a drum set and an electric guitar. He is subject to almost any music. And in this play, he will accompany the xylophone, sometimes, however, inserting his "weighty" statements.
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0:00 Humoresque for xylophone and folk orchestra