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The Sweet Way of Life

Jazz/Swing • 2022

The Sweet Way of Life

ler a lisença
15.00 USD

vendedor Aiden Seber
PDF, 1.54 Mb ID: SM-000541849 data do carregamento: 02 nov 2022
Guitarra elétrica, Baixo, Vibrafone, Pandeireta, Saxophone alto, Saxofone Barítono, Bateria, Saxofone soprano, Chocalho, Saxofone baixo, Contrabass Saxophone, Saxofone sopranino, Vibraslap
Composição para
Conjunto Grande (9 ou mais participantes)
Tipo de composição
Partitura completa, Partes
Aiden Seber
Very difficult
This piece was made about a year ago with crappy music software and now I found the file and basically completely redid it. As a saxophone player, this saxophone ensemble piece is awesome. Keep in mind this is my first time writing a proper jazz piece. I hope you enjoy!
  • comentários
comments Sebastian Thrawler 26 nov 2022 02:33

Great music. Especially for being your first jazz piece! I love the idea but finding and buying each of the saxophones needed is probably pretty difficult. I can't imagine too many places that sell subcontrabasses or sopranissimos. But I wish luck to any saxophone ensemble that wants to play this!

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