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Da Così Dotta Man

Классика • 1555 • Автор текста: Unknown (works before 1850) • Альтернативное название: By Such an Expert Hand

Da Così Dotta Man

Название пользователя: Madrigal for 3 voices: Da Così Dotta Man (Palestrina)

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Продавец Joan Yakkey
PDF, 216.6 Кб ID: SM-000221663 Дата публикации: 25 фев 2015
Женский хор: Сопрано, Альт; Детский хор: Сопрано, Альт
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Солисты, Трио, Хор
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Joan Yakkey
Joan Yakkey
Joan Yakkey
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This is the original musical setting for three voices by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (16th c.). Probably it was written in the mode with one flat in the key signature, this edition is a tone higher, and fits the voices better. It is probably better to perform the Madrigal with three women's or children's voices, but it can be performed with mixed voices too. It can also be transported, being modal. Palestrina worked mainly for the Church in Rome, he did not write many Madrigals. The pdf also includes the text and translation. The score can also be doubled by recorders or flutes. It can be performed by a choral ensemble or by three soloists. I call this piece a Madrgal for semplification though it is probably considered a "Canzonetta" by musicologists.
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0:00 Madrigal for 3 voices: Da Così Dotta Man (Palestrina)