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Свадьба Фигаро, K.492 • Cavatina

Классика/Ария • 1786

For flute choir 3

Название пользователя: The Marriage of Figaro for Flute Choir 3 Cavatina, K.492

15.99 USD

Продавец Darrell Goforth
PDF, 1.45 Мб ID: SM-000233731 Дата публикации: 29 окт 2015
Флейта, Флейта пикколо, Альтовая флейта, Бас-флейта
Состав исполнителей
Октет, Ансамбль духовых инструментов
Тип нот
Партитура, Партии
Фа мажор
Darrell Goforth
Darrell Goforth
Уровень сложности
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Время звучания
This arrangement is part of a series for Flute Choir which will encompass Mozart's opera "The Marriage of Figaro". The series will include the Overture (Sinfonia) and many of the arias, duets and ensembles from the opera. The work can be presented as a complete performance or as standalone pieces. In each of the vocal selections the solo voices will rotate among the entire group, making it ideal for student recitals and to build confidence among the players.
In this Cavatina, Figaro is imagining what he will do foil Count Almaviva in his plot to send Figaro on a tour and force himself on the new bride, Susanna.
Contact me with questions or comments at: dgoforth2@comcast.net
My facebook page is: GoForth Music (https://www.facebook.com/goforthmusic?fref=ts) and my YouTube Channel is https://www.youtube.com/user/dgoforth2
  • Комментарии
0:00 The Marriage of Figaro for Flute Choir 3 Cavatina