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Canzona II: Tribute to the Sun for orchestra

Классика/Современная • 2011


Название пользователя: Canzona II: Tribute to the Sun for orchestra – Score

13.50 USD

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Продавец Hans Bakker
PDF, 756.0 Кб ID: SM-000251317 Дата публикации: 18 июл 2016
Флейта, Кларнет, Фагот, Гобой, Английский рожок, Тромбон тенор, Валторна, Труба, Туба, Скрипка, Альт, Виолончель, Контрабас, Треугольник, Литавры, Бубен, Бас-кларнет, Кротали
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До мажор
Hans Bakker
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The title "Canzona II:Tribute to the Sun" is inspired by a word of Goethe: "Wär' nicht das Auge sonnenhaft, die Sonne könnt' es nie erblicken;". ( "When the eye was not sun-like, it could never see the sun. ")
At the same time it reminds me of that celebrated Sanskrit verse of the Vedas (Ṛig-Veda, iii, 62, 10), the Gâyatrî Mantra, which forms part of the daily devotions of the Brahmans: "Let us set our hearts on that excellent glory of the divine Sun; may it stimulate our minds."  (tat savitur vareṇyam bhargo devasya dhîmahi, dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayât.) The music itself has "joie de vivre", and is sometimes dancelike, sometimes with exaltation: a sort of "Ode " for orchestra so to say.
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Название пользователя: Canzona II Tribute to the Sun for orchestra – Parts
Canzona II: Tribute to the Sun for orchestra: Партии by Hans Bakker

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13.80 USD

Продавец Hans Bakker
PDF, 2.84 Мб ID: SM-000282565 Дата публикации: 21 мар 2017
Флейта, Кларнет, Гобой, Английский рожок, Валторна, Тромбон, Труба, Туба, Скрипка, Альт, Виолончель, Контрабас, Треугольник, Литавры, Бубен, Бас-кларнет, Кротали
Состав исполнителей
Симфонический оркестр
Тип нот
До мажор
Hans Bakker
Уровень сложности
Выше среднего
Время звучания
The title "Canzona II:Tribute to the Sun" is inspired by a word of Goethe: "Wär' nicht das Auge sonnenhaft, die Sonne könnt' es nie erblicken;". ( "When the eye was not sun-like, it could never see the sun. ") At the same time it reminds me of that celebrated Sanskrit verse of the Vedas (Ṛig-Veda, iii, 62, 10), the Gâyatrî Mantra, which forms part of the daily devotions of the Brahmans. The music itself has "joie de vivre", and is sometimes dancelike, sometimes with exaltation: a sort of "Ode " for orchestra so to say. "Tribute to the Sun' is a work that starts dark and gets "brighter" (if you will) and really does exude a sunrise feel to it. I thought these two works work very well separately but also pair very well, as heard here...." Audiophile Audition, DANCES OF ETERNITY, June 11, 2013 - by Daniel Coombs
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comments Hans Bakker 03 окт 2018 13:31

Listen on Spotify, Dances of Eternity, nr.2, Canzona II Tribute to the Sun: https://open.spotify.com/album/4P2PcNkwquAKiFN7pHAZiM

comments Hans Bakker 25 июл 2016 14:54

In a row of 16 works by 16 composers Hans Bakker's work for orchestra CANZONA II: Tribute to the Sun is, only online, re-released on April 1, 2014. Presto Classical - Fine Music, Vol. 5 - Navona Records: NV5949 (download) - Buy online PRESTOCLASSICAL.CO.UK

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