Trio for two violins and viola
Классика/Современная • 2010
Trio for two violins and viola
Инструменты |
Скрипка, Альт |
Состав исполнителей |
Трио |
Тип нот |
Партитура, Партии |
Тональность |
Политональная музыка |
Части |
1 до 3 из 3 |
Издатель |
Hans Bakker |
Уровень сложности |
Выше среднего |
Время звучания |
8'30 |
The first movement in very rapid tempo is a great song form. It begins somewhat academic, but in the B section, it is exciting and mysterious. The second movement is an intimate and introverted Andante in an archaic yet contemporary style. The third movement is a lively but poignant fugue. Listen to the 2nd movement.