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Vocal Warm-Up 2, SB16a

Поп-музыка • 2019 • Автор текста: Soerin Bergmann

Vocal Warm-Up 2

7.00 USD

Продавец Soerin Bergmann
PDF, 909.2 Кб ID: SM-000381019 Дата публикации: 14 фев 2020
Фортепиано, Смешанный хор: Сопрано, Альт, Тенор, Бас; Мужской хор: Баритон
Состав исполнителей
Аккомпанирующее фортепиано, Хор
Тип нот
Клавир с вокальной партией
1 до 10 из 10
Soerin Bergmann
Уровень сложности
Средний уровень
Время звучания
15 minutes of warm up and your voice is ready to go!
Relaxed and easy vocal exercises based on swinging rhythms by Sörin Bergmann, an award-winning choir director, in the category of Best Choir Leadership", recognized in 2018 by the German Music Council.
A graduate from the University of Music in Weimar, with 25 years of professional experience conducting choirs and leading ensembles.
Soerin’s, vocal master class, are instrumental playbacks exercises designed to prepare the body and voice for singing. Exercises are specifically arranged for gospel and pop choirs, Accapella ensembles, solo singers, choir singers, and choir directors. It will take you on a journey, that will
* Start with relaxation
* Show you breathing techniques
* Introduce you to groovy singing exercises with harmony and vocal highs and lows
* Practice polyphonic singing,
* Train you on timing, rhythm and beat
The exercises will take you to the next level of vocal accomplishment - for the high and low register.
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comments Soerin Bergmann 03 май 2020 16:17

kann ich ihnen irgendwie helfen?

comments Igor Sebezh 02 апр 2020 03:20

Was soll das?

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