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Song from Joseph Andrews, of Henry Fielding

Классика/Песня • 2019 • Автор текста: Henry Fielding • Альтернативное название: Song for Soprano and Small Wind Ensemble

For voice and wind ensemble

Название пользователя: Song from Joseph Andrews, of Henry Fielding
Song from Joseph Andrews, of Henry Fielding: For voice and wind ensemble by Derrick Thomas Lewis

24.00 USD

Продавец Derrick Thomas Lewis
PDF, 1.10 Мб ID: SM-000510650 Дата публикации: 26 июл 2020
Гобой, Валторна, Туба, Сопрано
Состав исполнителей
Ансамбль духовых инструментов
Тип нот
Партитура, Партии
Ми-бемоль мажор
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Derrick Thomas Lewis
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This is a tonal, classical style song in 6/8 rhythm at Andante, mostly, accompanied by Oboe, 3 Horns and Tuba. The lyric, by Henry Fielding (1723), is about the wooing of a young lovely, with attendant difficulties. Duration = 7 minutes 14 seconds.
Besides the score and parts, there is also included a piano + vocal score. This can be used for performance (without the small ensemble), or for preparation for performance of the singer with the small wind-band. Note: the instrumental coda is a little shorter in the piano version, therefore the piano should not be used together with the wind-band.
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Для голоса и фортепиано

Название пользователя: Song from Joseph Andrews, of Henry Fielding
Song from Joseph Andrews, of Henry Fielding: Для голоса и фортепиано by Derrick Thomas Lewis

15.00 USD

Продавец Derrick Thomas Lewis
PDF, 424.5 Кб ID: SM-000510651 Дата публикации: 26 июл 2020
Фортепиано, Сопрано
Состав исполнителей
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано
Тип нот
Клавир с вокальной партией
Ми-бемоль мажор
1 до 1 из 1
Derrick Thomas Lewis
Уровень сложности
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Время звучания
This is a tonal, classical style song in 6/8 rhythm at Andante, mostly, accompanied by Piano. The lyric, by Henry Fielding (1723) is about the wooing of a young lovely, with attendant difficulties. Duration = 7 minutes 14 seconds.
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0:00 Song from Joseph Andrews, of Henry Fielding