Center and Circle for viola and bass clarinet, score & parts
Классика/Современная • 2020
Center and Circle for viola and bass clarinet, score & parts
Инструменты |
Альт, Бас-кларнет |
Состав исполнителей |
Дуэт |
Тип нот |
Партитура для двух исполнителей, Партии |
Тональность |
Ля минор |
Части |
1 до 1 из 1 |
Издатель |
Hans Bakker |
Уровень сложности |
Выше среднего |
Время звучания |
5'34 |
The piece is a mix of a classical sonata form and a fugue-like polyphonic structure with a great inner trim. The title refers to a statement attributed to Empedocles in Liber Termigisti (1315): "(The nature of) God is a circle whose center is everywhere and its circumference nowhere." Angelus Silesius was probably familiar with this because of a distich with the same title in his work "Der Cherubinischer Wanderman", (1657) ( The Cherubinic Wanderer), which is a highlight in in German Baroque literature.