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Just Once — Princess Dora's aria from The Three Feathers (priced for 2 copies)

Классика/Песня • 2013 • Автор текста: Dana Gioia

Just Once — Princess Dora's aria from The Three Feathers (priced for 2 copies)

12.00 USD

Продавец Lori Laitman
PDF, 9.46 Мб ID: SM-000609896 Дата публикации: 23 ноя 2024
Фортепиано, Сопрано
Состав исполнителей
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано
Тип нот
Клавир с вокальной партией
Enchanted Knickers Music
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Время звучания
In this aria from The Three Feathers, the youngest of the three princesses, Dora, expresses her disappointments and lack of self-confidence. In this moment of difficult self-knowledge, she suddenly finds the courage to take charge of her own fate. — Dana Gioia

You can see the opera on Vimeo — details are on my opera catalog, available at www.artsongs.com.
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