Название пользователя: Асис и Галатея, HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Клавесин, Флейта, Гобой, Скрипка, Альт, Смешанный хор, Голос |
Состав исполнителей |
Солисты, Хор, Камерный оркестр |
Тип нот |
Партитура, Клавир с вокальной партией, Клавир |
Части |
1 до 2 из 2 |
Издатель |
Deutsche Händelgesellschaft |
Язык |
Английский, Немецкий |
Уровень сложности |
Выше среднего |
Клавир с вокальной партией
Название пользователя: Ацис и Галатея, для солистов, хора и фортепиано, HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Сопрано, Тенор, Бас, Смешанный хор |
Состав исполнителей |
Солисты, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано, Хор |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Части |
1 до 2 из 2 |
Издатель |
Edwin F. Kalmus & Co. |
Язык |
Английский, Немецкий |
Уровень сложности |
Выше среднего |
Жанр |
Классика/Опера |
As when the dove
Название пользователя: As when the dove (Acis and Galatea)
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Голос |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Тональность |
Фа мажор |
Уровень сложности |
Выше среднего |
Жанр |
Классика/Опера |
As when the dove laments her love. Recitative and Aria for aoprano
Название пользователя: As when the dove laments her love. Recitative and Aria for Soprano 'Acis and Galatea', HWV 4
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Сопрано |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Язык |
Английский |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
Oh! Didst thou know the pains…As when the dove laments her love. Recitative and Aria for Soprano (Galatea). G.F.Haendel: Acis and Galatea, HWV 49. Vocal Score (G.Gervinus), Ed. Peters. PD. Sheet Music (A4). High Resolution scans (600 dpi)
Cease to beauty to be suing. Aria for bass
Название пользователя: Cease to beauty to be suing. Aria for Bass 'Acis and Galatea', HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Бас |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Тональность |
Ре минор |
Издатель |
G. Schirmer |
Язык |
Английский |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
Cease to beauty to be suing. Aria for Bass (Polyphemus). G.F.Haendel: Acis and Galatea, HWV 49. Vocal Score (G.Gervinus), Ed. Peters. PD. Sheet Music (A4). High Resolution scans (600 dpi)
Consider, fond shepherd, how fleeting's the pleasure. Aria for tenor/soprano
Название пользователя: Consider, fond shepherd, how fleeting's the pleasure. Aria for Tenor/Soprano 'Acis and Galatea', HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Тенор |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Язык |
Английский |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
Consider, fond shepherd, how fleeting's the pleasure. Aria for Tenor/Soprano (Damon). G.F.Haendel: Acis and Galatea, HWV 49. Vocal Score (G.Gervinus), Ed. Peters. PD. Sheet Music (A4). High Resolution scans (600 dpi)
Heart, the seat of soft delight. Recitative and Aria for soprano
Название пользователя: Heart, the seat of soft delight. Recitative and Aria for Soprano 'Acis and Galatea', HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Сопрано |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Язык |
Английский |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
'Tis done…Heart, the seat of soft delight. Recitative and Aria for Soprano (Galatea). G.F.Haendel: Acis and Galatea, HWV 49. Vocal Score (G.Gervinus), Ed. Peters. PD. Sheet Music (A4). High Resolution scans (600 dpi)
Love in her eyes sits playing. Recitative and Aria for tenor
Название пользователя: Love in her eyes sits playing. Recitative and Aria for Tenor 'Acis and Galatea', HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Тенор |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Язык |
Английский |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
Lo! here is my love!…Love in her eyes sits playing. Recitative and Aria for Tenor (Acis). G.F.Haendel: Acis and Galatea, HWV 49. Vocal Score (G.Gervinus), Ed. Peters. PD. 3pp. Sheet Music (A4). High Resolution scans (600 dpi)
Love in her eyes sits playing, for voice and piano
Название пользователя: Love in her eyes sits playing (for voice and piano), HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Голос |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Издатель |
Oliver Ditson & Co. |
Язык |
Английский |
Уровень сложности |
Выше среднего |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
Arrangement for voice and piano of the aria "Love in her eyes sits playing" from the opera "Acis and Galatea" written by Georg Friedrich Händel. English text by John Gay.
________ Also see OLC Barcelona Sheet Music whole catalogue on the left.
Which are the steps to purchase and download sheet music?
1. Find the score you want to download. Click "Add to basket". You will have to click twice on that. 2. You will now see your Shopping Cart. If you want to purchase more scores, just click the "Back" button on your browser or get back to http://olcbarcelonamusic.musicaneo.com. Once you are done, you can access your Shopping Cart in the top right corner of our website or by clicking HERE. 3. To proceed with the payment, click on "Checkout". 4. If you haven't purchased sheet music before, fill the gaps with your name, last name and email adress and accept the routinary conditions. 5. Choose the payment method. For this example we will take the standard one, by Paypal or Credit Card. We're sorry to charge 0.50 extra USD for the services. 6.a. If you have a PayPal account, the safest way to pay online, just enter your email adress and password and follow the easy steps to complete the payment. To make sure you have enough funds in your PayPal account or if you have any questions regarding PayPal security and payments you could go to www.paypal.com 6.b. If you don't have a PayPal account, just pay with your debit or credit card like a normal online purchase. Just fill the information required and the payment will be processed automatically. 7. Go to http://profile.musicaneo.com/purchases/ to download all your purchases.
What if my currency is not USD? Doesn't matter. The price is fixed in USD but you can pay using any currency, even if you're paying with credit card or PayPal the funds will get converted to USD according to the official change the day you purchase the score. Let's say your PayPal account or bank account works with Euros (€), never mind, just follow the steps normally and you will get charged the equivalent.
Love sounds the alarm. Recitative and Aria for tenor
Название пользователя: Love sounds the alarm. Recitative and Aria for Tenor 'Acis and Galatea', HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Тенор |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Язык |
Английский |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
His hideous love provokes my rage…Love sounds the alarm. Recitative and Aria for Tenor (Acis). G.F.Haendel: Acis and Galatea, HWV 49. Vocal Score (G.Gervinus), Ed. Peters. PD. Sheet Music (A4). High Resolution scans (600 dpi)
O ruddier than the cherry. Recitative and Aria for bass
Название пользователя: O ruddier than the cherry. Recitative and Aria for Bass 'Acis and Galatea', HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Бас |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Тональность |
Соль минор |
Издатель |
C.F. Peters |
Язык |
Английский |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
I rage, I melt, I burn!…O ruddier than the cherry. Recitative and Aria for Bass (Polyphemus). G.F.Haendel: Acis and Galatea, HWV 49. Vocal Score (G.Gervinus), Ed. Peters. PD. Sheet Music (A4). High Resolution scans (600 dpi)
O ruddier than the cherry
Название пользователя: Recitativ 'I rage, I melt, I burn' and Aria 'O ruddier than the cherry' (for voice and piano), HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Голос |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Издатель |
Oliver Ditson & Co. |
Язык |
Английский |
Уровень сложности |
Выше среднего |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
Arrangement for voice and piano of the recitative and aria "I rage, I melt, I burn" and "O ruddier than the cherry" from the opera "Acis and Galatea" written by George Frideric Händel. English text by John Gay.
________ Also see OLC Barcelona Sheet Music whole catalogue on the left.
Which are the steps to purchase and download sheet music?
1. Find the score you want to download. Click "Add to basket". You will have to click twice on that. 2. You will now see your Shopping Cart. If you want to purchase more scores, just click the "Back" button on your browser or get back to http://olcbarcelonamusic.musicaneo.com. Once you are done, you can access your Shopping Cart in the top right corner of our website or by clicking HERE. 3. To proceed with the payment, click on "Checkout". 4. If you haven't purchased sheet music before, fill the gaps with your name, last name and email adress and accept the routinary conditions. 5. Choose the payment method. For this example we will take the standard one, by Paypal or Credit Card. We're sorry to charge 0.50 extra USD for the services. 6.a. If you have a PayPal account, the safest way to pay online, just enter your email adress and password and follow the easy steps to complete the payment. To make sure you have enough funds in your PayPal account or if you have any questions regarding PayPal security and payments you could go to www.paypal.com 6.b. If you don't have a PayPal account, just pay with your debit or credit card like a normal online purchase. Just fill the information required and the payment will be processed automatically. 7. Go to http://profile.musicaneo.com/purchases/ to download all your purchases.
What if my currency is not USD? Doesn't matter. The price is fixed in USD but you can pay using any currency, even if you're paying with credit card or PayPal the funds will get converted to USD according to the official change the day you purchase the score. Let's say your PayPal account or bank account works with Euros (€), never mind, just follow the steps normally and you will get charged the equivalent.
O ruddier than the cherry
Название пользователя: Ацис и Галатея. O Ruddier than the Cherry, для голоса и фортепиано, HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Голос |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Язык |
Английский |
Уровень сложности |
Средний уровень |
Жанр |
Классика/Транскрипция |
O ruddier than the cherry
Название пользователя: Handel - O ruddier than the cherry
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Голос |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Уровень сложности |
Средний уровень |
Жанр |
Классика/Вокальная музыка |
This product is a digital sheet music in PDF format. The music was composed by George Frideric Handel (George Frideric Handel ), for Voice and Piano.
Shepherd, what are thou pursuing? Recitative and Aria for tenor
Название пользователя: Shepherd, what are thou pursuing? Recitative and Aria for Tenor 'Acis and Galatea', HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Тенор |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Язык |
Английский |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
Stay, shepherd, stay!…Shepherd, what are thou pursuing? Recitative and Aria for Tenor (Acis). G.F.Haendel: Acis and Galatea, HWV 49. Vocal Score (G.Gervinus), Ed. Peters. PD. Sheet Music (A4). High Resolution scans (600 dpi)
Would you gain the tender creature. Aria for tenor
Название пользователя: Would you gain the tender creature. Aria for Tenor 'Acis and Galatea', HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Тенор |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Тональность |
Фа мажор |
Издатель |
G. Schirmer |
Язык |
Английский |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
Would you gain the tender creature. Aria for Tenor/Soprano (Damon). G.F.Haendel: Acis and Galatea, HWV 49. Vocal Score (G.Gervinus), Ed. Peters. PD. Sheet Music (A4). High Resolution scans (600 dpi)
Would you gain the tender creature, for voice and piano
Название пользователя: Would you gain the tender creature (for voice and piano), HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Голос |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Издатель |
Oliver Ditson & Co. |
Уровень сложности |
Выше среднего |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
Arrangement for voice and piano of the aria "Would you gain the tender creature" form the opera Acis and Galatea written by George Frideric Händel. English text by John Gay.
________ Also see OLC Barcelona Sheet Music whole catalogue on the left.
Which are the steps to purchase and download sheet music?
1. Find the score you want to download. Click "Add to basket". You will have to click twice on that. 2. You will now see your Shopping Cart. If you want to purchase more scores, just click the "Back" button on your browser or get back to http://olcbarcelonamusic.musicaneo.com. Once you are done, you can access your Shopping Cart in the top right corner of our website or by clicking HERE. 3. To proceed with the payment, click on "Checkout". 4. If you haven't purchased sheet music before, fill the gaps with your name, last name and email adress and accept the routinary conditions. 5. Choose the payment method. For this example we will take the standard one, by Paypal or Credit Card. We're sorry to charge 0.50 extra USD for the services. 6.a. If you have a PayPal account, the safest way to pay online, just enter your email adress and password and follow the easy steps to complete the payment. To make sure you have enough funds in your PayPal account or if you have any questions regarding PayPal security and payments you could go to www.paypal.com 6.b. If you don't have a PayPal account, just pay with your debit or credit card like a normal online purchase. Just fill the information required and the payment will be processed automatically. 7. Go to http://profile.musicaneo.com/purchases/ to download all your purchases.
What if my currency is not USD? Doesn't matter. The price is fixed in USD but you can pay using any currency, even if you're paying with credit card or PayPal the funds will get converted to USD according to the official change the day you purchase the score. Let's say your PayPal account or bank account works with Euros (€), never mind, just follow the steps normally and you will get charged the equivalent.
Ye verdant plains…Hush, ye pretty warbling quire. Recitative and Aria for soprano
Название пользователя: Ye verdant plains…Hush, ye pretty warbling quire. Recitative and Aria for Soprano 'Acis and Galatea', HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Сопрано |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Язык |
Английский |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
Ye verdant plains…Hush, ye pretty warbling quire. Recitative and Aria for Soprano (Galatea). G.F.Haendel: Acis and Galatea, HWV 49. Vocal Score (G.Gervinus), Ed. Peters.PD. Sheet Music (A4). High Resolution scans (600 dpi)
Where shall I seek the charming fair. Recitative and Aria for tenor
Название пользователя: Where shall I seek the charming fair. Recitative and Aria for Tenor 'Acis and Galatea', HWV 49
Инструменты |
Фортепиано, Контральто |
Состав исполнителей |
Соло, Аккомпанирующее фортепиано |
Тип нот |
Клавир с вокальной партией |
Язык |
Английский |
Жанр |
Классика/Ария |
Where shall I seek the charming fair. Recitative and Aria for Tenor (Acis). G.F.Haendel: Acis and Galatea, HWV 49. Vocal Score (G.Gervinus), Ed. Peters. PD. Sheet Music (A4). High Resolution scans (600 dpi)