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Religious Sheet Music


Most events in our lives are accompanied by music, one way or another. The religious sphere is no exception – it is hard to find a religion without a unique music culture of its own today. These two have been closely linked since the dawn of time and it is still not clear what appeared first, or whether both existed all along together. In religion, music is a special medium of communication with the human’s deity (-ies), it’s a way to access the untouchable, to reach for something that is far beyond our comprehension. In most religious traditions, ‘texts’ used to be sung rather than said/written: priests, shamans, monks and carriers of other religions often combined their teaching with singing, playing musical instruments and dancing. In some cases, music could bear an intercultural character and step out of the sacred limits. Thus, Christian music is not confined to traditional hymns, masses and Bach’s oratorios but may include Russian choral music and Greek chants. Gospel music, vice versa, left the church boundaries and can exist as a separate type of secular music performed for aesthetical pleasure and entertainment purposes. Our sheet music catalogue covers the genre of Religious music in the broadest sense – all music that was created with the purpose of religious use, e.g. in services, sacred rituals and ceremonies, in praising, as well as the cross-cultural compositions on the border of the sacred and the secular music. One can narrow the search by the specific categories like Gospel, Worship, Christian, Jewish and so on, in order to find the necessary music scores.

7555 compositions

Title Composers   Genre
Буду славить Тебя среди горя и слёз Gitelman I. Religious: Christian
Бываю я в жизни моей Gitelman I. Religious: Christian
Была Любовь поругана когда-то Gitelman I. Religious: Christian
Было время Gitelman I. Religious: Christian
В бесконечном просторе вселенной Gitelman I. Religious: Christian
В келье Anisina A. Religious: Orthodox
В минуту жизни трудную Kolomatskiy P. Religious: Christian
В минуты печали Gitelman I. Religious: Christian
В молитвах неусыпающую Богородицу, Op.20 Radchenko A. Religious
В Палестине Царь родился Unknown (works before 1850) Religious: Christian
Валаамские распевы Gogolin M. Religious
Великая ектения Burmatov R. Religious: Orthodox
Великая ектения Vivdich G. Religious: Orthodox
Великая ектения Samusenko S. Religious
Велики и чудны дела Твои Unknown (works before 1850) Religious: Christian
Величание Вознесения Господня Unknown (works before 1850) Religious
Величание Пресвятой Богородице Samusenko S. Religious
Величание Успению Богородицы, демественный распев Unknown (works before 1850) Religious
Величит душа Моя Господа (гармонизация знаменного распева) Samusenko S. Religious
Вера Божия Gitelman I. Religious: Christian
Вера. Надежда. Любовь Cvečkovskis R. Religious: Orthodox
Вера предо мной открыла Gitelman I. Religious: Christian
Веры путь для тебя предназначен Gitelman I. Religious: Christian
Верю я: Ты - дивный Избавитель Gitelman I. Religious: Christian
Вечери Твоея Samusenko S. Religious

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