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Spectrum-Meter (Performance Graphic Score)

Clássico/Eletro-acústica • 2018 • Titulo arternativo: The Integra-ted/Unprepared Guitar

Spectrum-Meter (Performance Graphic Score)

Spectrum-Meter (Performance Graphic Score): Spectrum-Meter (Performance Graphic Score) by Dylan Lawrence Gibson


PDF, 3.45 Mb ID: SM-000374644 data do carregamento: 08 nov 2019
Live electronic
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Dylan Lawrence Gibson
This electronic (electroacoustic) music composition was recorded, live in concert, at the Stellenbosch University Conservatorium (South Africa) in the Jannasch Hall in 2018. It was then submitted to the Sounds of Matter composition competition (Call4Sounds hosted by the University of Vienna) where it received an Honourable Mention (2018):

The attached ‘performers/performance score’ was used by the composer (Dylan Lawrence Gibson) on the evening of the recording.

The premise of this work attempts to mimic the sounds that a spectrometer, in theory, would emit when active. One should note that some sounds emitted by a spectrometer cannot be easily heard by the human ear – the goal therefore was to imagine how some of these sounds would theoretically be perceived.

To achieve this electro-mechanical based sound three (3) real world primary sound sources (from a classical nylon stringed guitar) were transformed and explored in order to create a variety of different ‘new’ sounds. By applying audio effects over the recorded sounds, the overall aim was to cause for the sound to move away from ‘standard’ audio conventions and towards moments of ‘unconventional’ synthetic spectral instances.
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0:00 Spectrum-Meter (Performance Graphic Score)