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Requiem Aeternam for mixed chorus and piano

Clássico/Música de coral • 2008 • Lírico: old sacred text

Requiem Aeternam for mixed chorus and piano

7.00 USD

PDF, 2.39 Mb ID: SM-000071090 data do carregamento: 15 jun 2011
Piano, coro misto
Composição para
Piano de Acompanhamento, Coral
Tipo de composição
Partitura piano-vocal
Man-Ching Donald Yu, Wehr's Music House
Requiem Aeternam serves as an “Introduction” of the Requiem Mass. At the beginning of the piece, tone D is established as a pitch centricity by reinforcing the pedal tone throughout the piano solemn introduction while Aeolian mode on D becomes the prominent musical elements in this section; however, it also blends with some chromatic materials at the same time. As soon as the piano introduction finishes, the four voices enter imitatively by bringing the music to the first intense point. The word “Domine” is strongly emphasized repeatedly and this signifies my strong faith and belief towards God. After passing through a chromatic chain, the music displays mode change by reinforcing the pitch center on E and the gorgeous soprano solo enters. A piano interlude connects the music to the chromatic part where the music reaches its most dramatic and chromatic climax. The chromatic line descends and the modified main theme returns. The music fades out in a blissful major mode and this implies the shinning light of God and God gives eternal rest to the soul.
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