Prelude & Fugue for cello ensemble/quartet
Классика/Современная • 2008
Prelude & Fugue for cello ensemble/quartet
Инструменты |
Виолончель |
Состав исполнителей |
Квартет, Секстет |
Тип нот |
Партитура, Партии |
Тональность |
До минор |
Части |
1 до 2 из 2 |
Издатель |
Hans Bakker |
Уровень сложности |
Выше среднего |
Время звучания |
5'30 |
The Prelude & Fugue for cello ensemble/quartet is the original version of this work. Dedicated to my colleague at the Center for Music and Culture in Hilversum (N): Arjan van der Boom. The Fugue can be performed without cello 5 and 6, but of course I prefer the version with those pregnant choral-like parts. As the title suggests the work is rooted in tradition. But it speaks with its own contemporary voice. Shortly thereafter the version for string quintet was created. This last version was recorded on the enhanced CD "The Unnamed Source" for label Navona Records (NV5832). Also on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, etc.