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Praise of the guitar

Классика • 2022

Praise of the guitar

Praise of the guitar: Praise of the guitar by Alessandro Ferrari

1.50 USD

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15.00 USD

Продавец Alessandro Ferrari
PDF, 206.4 Кб ID: SM-000533063 Дата публикации: 10 фев 2022
Акустическая гитара, Лира, Двенадцатиструнная гитара, Классическая гитара, Полуакустическая гитара, Волшебная арфа
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Для одного исполнителя
This composition is a eulogy to the guitar. The tonality changes from C to G, through the F #, the structures are melodically and harmonically at times concrete and at times abstract. Good music!
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