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Hymn For A Distant Wind

Классика/Камерная музыка • 2023

Hymn For A Distant Wind

25.00 USD

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5.00 USD

Продавец Devin Pride
PDF, 684.2 Кб ID: SM-000544393 Дата публикации: 01 мар 2023
Флейта, Флейта пикколо, Кларнет, Фагот, Гобой, Бас-кларнет, Контрабас-кларнет
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Devin Pride
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As I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge one frigid night, the air was remarkably refreshing. I was immediately grateful to breathe in air other than the many scents of the crowded city of New York. The wind would sway and push its way through natives and tourist taking pictures, and at times, would sit still for if only a second. It is from this point where I reflected on how powerful and fragile life can be. Just as wind can be a cool breeze on a scorching day in July or a devastating tornado in the middle of Oklahoma, life mirrors this motion of air. This piece is a hymn for the movement of all air and how vital it is, not just to survive, but to learn fierceness along with calmness.
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