Für die Veröffentlichung, den Kauf und Verkauf von Noten und Aufführungslizenzen!
Eingestellt von Danielle Ashton
Veröffentlicht am 24 Mai 2012 · Offen
USA, Thousand Oaks

I am now accepting students for Summer lessons! Lessons will begin the second week of June, though you can start at any time over the summer. Lessons are half an hour once a week, and consist of studies of piano theory, sightreading, excersices like scales and arpeggios, and learning many fun songs to play for performance and enjoyment.
Summer is a great time to begin or continue in the captivating study of piano, since school and other activities won't be in the way of practice. Preferably, students should commit to practice approximately 30 minutes a day, depending on their age and level.
The cost for four half hour lessons per month is 48$. Students should be at least five years old to begin piano.
If you have any questions about lessons, please send me an email and I'll reply to you as soon as possible.

~Danielle Ashton

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