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You Leave Me Bent

Klassische Musik/Lied • 2016 • Texter: Dana Gioia

For mezzo and piano (priced for 2 copies)

Titel nach Uploader: You Leave Me Bent — for mezzo and piano (priced for 2 copies)

12.00 USD

Verkäufer Lori Laitman
PDF, 4.98 Mb ID: SM-000609839 Datum des Uploads: 20 Nov 2024
Klavier, Mezzosopran
Partitur für
Solo, Klavierbegleitung
Art der Partitur
Klavierauszug mit Singstimmen
Enchanted Knickers Music
Dana Gioia and I have collaborated since 2004 and You Leave Me Bent is the first in what we hope will become a series of cabaret songs. I found the setting of these lyrics to be quite challenging. As a result, the song emerged slowly, as I worked and reworked the setting over a period of 2 years. The contrasting moods of the poem are tracked by corresponding changes in the music. I remain quite delighted with the insertion of the Jewish phrase “oy-yoy-yoy” into the word “annoying” and the musical motifs of the start return to close the song.

You can hear the excellent recording with Margaret Gawrysiak and Andrew Rosenblum on Spotify on the Naxos release "Living in the Body".
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For contralto and piano (priced for 2 copies)

Titel nach Uploader: You Leave Me Bent — for contralto and piano (priced for 2 copies)

12.00 USD

Verkäufer Lori Laitman
PDF, 5.00 Mb ID: SM-000609840 Datum des Uploads: 20 Nov 2024
Klavier, Alt
Partitur für
Solo, Klavierbegleitung
Art der Partitur
Klavierauszug mit Singstimmen
Enchanted Knickers Music
Dana Gioia and I have collaborated since 2004 and You Leave Me Bent is the first in what we hope will become a series of cabaret songs. I found the setting of these lyrics to be quite challenging. As a result, the song emerged slowly, as I worked and reworked the setting over a period of 2 years. The contrasting moods of the poem are tracked by corresponding changes in the music. I remain quite delighted with the insertion of the Jewish phrase “oy-yoy-yoy” into the word “annoying” and the musical motifs of the start return to close the song.

You can hear the excellent recording with Margaret Gawrysiak and Andrew Rosenblum on Spotify on the Naxos release "Living in the Body".
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